Discover our jobs for neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house in Province of Flemish Brabant
- 1001 different job categories
- Work when you want
- Choose freely how much you earn
- Join a network of over 100,000 members

Work when you want
Freely choose your remuneration
Earn additional income as an individual
Earn as much as you want as a professional
- 100% free
- 0% commission on your services
- Secure online payment
- Your services are inscured by our partner AXA
Employee, student, job seeker, retiree.
- Your services are insured by AXA.
- Earn up to 6,450 euros per year, 100% legally.
- Your income is declared by Pwiic, and you have an advantageous taxation of only 10.7%, because Pwiic is a platform approved by the government.
- Registration is free and we take 0% commission on your services. Registration is free. Pwiic is remunerated by taking a small commission on the jobs carried out. You can also become a premium provider from 7 euros per month, and in this case, there is 0% commission !
- The Pwiic team is there for you, 7 days a week, if you need help.
Any freelance, craftsman or Smart worker, wanting to work as part of his/her professional activity.
- Your services are insured by AXA.
- No income limit.
- Manage your customers and payments easily.
- Registration is free and we take 0% commission on your services. Registration is free. Pwiic is remunerated by taking a small commission on the jobs carried out. You can also become a premium provider from 7 euros per month, and in this case, there is 0% commission !
- The Pwiic team is there for you, 7 days a week, if you need help.
In our thematic communities in BELGIUM
Offer DIY services in the Brico community
Examples: changing a tap painting a wall, change a lamp bulb, mowing the lawn.
Start nowBecome a petsitter in the Tom&Co community
Examples: keeping a cat, walking a dog, feeding the rabbit during the holidays.
Start nowOffer sports services to your neighbors in the Decathlon community
Examples: helping a neighbor learn to jog, learn to skateboard, roller, become a sports coach
Start nowGo to the shop for your neighbors in the Multipharma community
Examples: going to the pharmacy, shopping at the supermarket, or any other small service between neighbors.
Start nowFind jobs as a freelance in the Smart community
Examples: giving computer lessons, finding assignments as a graphic designer, giving music lessons.
Start nowOffer services to parents in the Pwiic community
Examples: finding jobs as a babysitter, tutoring, picking up children from school.
Start now
4.4 out of 5 based on 1619 user ratings.Je suis nouveau sur le site je trouve ça original et c'est une très bonne idée. J'espere que le site va exploser en nombre de membres
Très bon concept
HĂ¢te de dĂ©couvrir ce site
Parce que je trouve que dans le monde actuel, c'est une très bonne idée de proposer des prestations a un prix raisonnable, l'inflation est telle que ça va provoquer un win-win(client/bricoleur).
Très bonne site
c'est super bien pour les etudiant
Très bonnes prestations de Mitch!
All our service providers are insuredAxa
Discover our jobs in Belgium
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Discover the job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house by cities for the province Province of Flemish Brabant
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Affligem (1790)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Alsemberg (1652)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Asse (1730)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Assent (3460)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Attenhoven (3404)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Attenrode (3384)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Autgaerden (3321)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Averbode (3271)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Baal (3128)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Beersel (1650)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Beert (1673)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Begijnendijk (3130)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Beigem (1852)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Bekkerzeel (1730)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Bekkevoort (3460)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Bellingen (1674)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Berchem-Saint-Laurent (1600)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Berg (1910)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Bertem (3060)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Betekom (3130)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Beyghem (1852)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Bierbeek (3360)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Binkom (3211)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Blanden (3052)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Bodegem-Saint-Martin (1700)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Bogaarden (1670)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Boortmeerbeek (3190)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Borchtlombeek (1761)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Bost (3300)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Boutersem (3370)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Brages (1673)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Brussegem (1785)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Bruxelles (1620)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Budingen (3440)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Buizingen (1501)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Buken (1910)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Bunsbeek (3380)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Capelle-au-Bois (1880)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Cappelle-Saint-Ulric (1700)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Castre (1755)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Cortryck-Dutzel (3220)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Deurne (3290)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Diegem (1831)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Diest (3290)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Dilbeek (1700)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Dormaal (3440)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Drieslinter (3350)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Drogenbos (1620)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Duisburg (3080)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Dworp (1653)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Elewijt (1982)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Eliksem (3400)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Elingen (1671)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Eppegem (1980)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Erps-kwerps (3071)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Essene (1790)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Everberg (3078)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Ezemaal (3400)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Gaasbeek (1750)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Geetbets (3450)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Gelderode (3200)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Gelrode (3200)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Glabbeek (3380)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Goetsenhoven (3300)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Gooik (1755)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Gossoncourt (3300)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Graesen (3450)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Grand-Bigard (1702)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Grazen (3450)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Grimbergen (1850)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Groot-bijgaarden (1702)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Haacht (3150)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Haasrode (3053)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Hakendover (3300)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Halle-booienhoven (3440)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Hamme (1785)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Hautain-l'EvĂªque (3401)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Hautecroix (1670)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Hautem-Sainte-Marguerite (3300)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Heikruis (1670)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Hekelgem (1790)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Helen-bos (3440)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Herent (3020)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Herfelingen (1540)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Herne (1540)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Hever (3191)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Heverlee (3001)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Hoegaarden (3320)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Hoeilaart (1560)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Hoeleden (3471)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Hofstade (1981)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Holsbeek (3220)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Houwaart (3390)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Huizingen (1654)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Huldenberg (3040)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Humbeek (1851)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Huyssinghen (1654)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house HĂ©rinnes (1540)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Itterbeek (1701)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Kaggevinne (3293)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Kampenhout (1910)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Kapelle-op-den-bos (1880)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Kapellen (3381)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Keerbergen (3140)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Kerkom (3370)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Kersbeek-miskom (3472)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Kessel lo (3010)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Kester (1755)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Kobbegem (1730)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Korbeek-dijle (3060)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Korbeek-lo (3360)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Kortenaken (3470)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Kortenberg (3070)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Kortrijk-dutsel (3220)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Kraainem (1950)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Kumtich (3300)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Laar (3400)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Landen (3400)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Langdorp (3201)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Leefdaal (3061)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Leerbeek (1755)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Leeuw-Saint-Pierre (1600)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Lembecq (1502)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Lembeek (1502)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Lennick-Saint-Martin (1750)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Lennick-Saint-Quentin (1750)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Lennik (1750)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Liedekerke (1770)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Linden (3210)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Linkebeek (1630)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Linter (3350)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Lombeek-Notre-Dame (1760)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Lombeek-Sainte-Catherine (1742)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Londerzeel (1840)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Loonbeek (3040)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Lot (1651)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Loth (1651)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Lovenjoel (3360)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Lubbeek (3210)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Machelen (1830)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Malderen (1840)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Maxenzele (1745)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Mazenzele (1745)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Meensel-kiezegem (3391)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Meerbeek (3078)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Meise (1860)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Meldert (3320)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Melkwezer (3350)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Melsbroek (1820)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Merchtem (1785)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Messelbroek (3272)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Molenbeek-wersbeek (3461)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Molenstede (3294)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Mollem (1730)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Montaigu (3270)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Nederokkerzeel (1910)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Neerhespen (3350)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Neerijse (3040)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Neerlanden (3404)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Neerlinter (3350)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Neervelp (3370)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Neerwinden (3400)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Nieuwenrode (1880)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Nieuwrode (3221)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Nossegem (1930)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Oetingen (1755)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Oirbeek (3300)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Onze Lieve Vrouw-Tielt (3390)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Onze-lieve-vrouw-lombeek (1760)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Oorbeek (3300)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Oplinter (3300)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Opvelp (3360)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Opwijk (1745)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Orsmaal-gussenhoven (3350)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Ottenburg (3040)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Oud-heverlee (3050)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Oudenaken (1600)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Outgaarden (3321)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Overhespen (3350)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Overijse (3090)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Overwinden (3400)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Pamel (1760)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Pellenberg (3212)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Pepingen (1670)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Perk (1820)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Peutie (1800)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Ramsdonk (1880)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Ransberg (3470)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Relegem (1731)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Rhode-Saint-Pierre (3220)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Rhode-Sainte-Agathe (3040)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Rhode-saint-genèse (1640)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Rillaar (3202)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Roosbeek (3370)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Roosdaal (1760)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Rotselaar (3110)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Ruisbroek (1601)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Rummen (3454)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Rumsdorp (3400)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Saint-Pierre-Capelle (1541)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Schaffen (3290)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Schepdaal (1703)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Scherpenheuvel (3270)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Sint-Genesius-Rode (1640)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Sint-agatha-rode (3040)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Sint-joris-weert (3051)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Sint-joris-winge (3390)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Sint-katherina-lombeek (1742)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Sint-kwintens-lennik (1750)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Sint-laureins-berchem (1600)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Sint-margriete-houtem (3300)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Sint-martens-bodegem (1700)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Sint-martens-lennik (1750)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Sint-pieters-kapelle (1541)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Sint-pieters-leeuw (1600)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Sint-pieters-rode (3220)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Sint-stevens-woluwe (1932)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Sint-ulriks-kapelle (1700)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Steenhuffel (1840)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Steenokkerzeel (1820)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Sterrebeek (1933)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Strijtem (1760)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Strombeek-bever (1853)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Teralfene (1790)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Ternat (1740)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Tervuren (3080)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Testelt (3272)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Tielt (3390)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Tielt-winge (3390)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Tildonk (3150)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Tollembeek (1570)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Tourneppe (1653)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Tremelo (3120)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Vaalbeek (3054)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Veltem-beisem (3020)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Vertrijk (3370)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Vissenaken (3300)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Vlezenbeek (1602)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Vollezele (1570)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Vossem (3080)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Waanrode (3473)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Waasmont (3401)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Walsbets (3401)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Walshoutem (3401)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Wambeek (1741)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Wamont (3401)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Wange (3400)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Webbekom (3290)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Weerde (1982)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Weert-Saint-Georges (3051)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Wemmel (1780)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Werchter (3118)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Wespelaar (3150)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Wezemaal (3111)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Wezembeek-oppem (1970)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Wezeren (3401)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Wijgmaal (3018)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Willebringen (3370)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Wilsele (3012)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Winghe-Saint-Georges (3390)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Winksele (3020)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Woluwe-Saint-Etienne (1932)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Wolvertem (1861)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Wommersom (3350)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Zaventem (1930)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Zellik (1731)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Zemst (1980)
- Job Neighbor organizing visits if you rent or sell your house Zichem (3271)